The OGI Results Blog

How To Strengthen Your Resilience and Agility Through Disruption

How To Strengthen Your Resilience and Agility Through Disruption

Posted Mar 12th, 2020

All of us are reeling from the disruptive effects of COVID-19. Our focus is to help business leaders and client organizations survive and even thrive through disruption.

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How CEO's Can Drive Business Growth in a Disruptive World

How CEO's Can Drive Business Growth in a Disruptive World

Posted Mar 12th, 2020

In today’s volatile market, where speed and performance are critical to business success, CEOs face an unprecedented number of challenges to accelerate growth and differentiate themselves from their competitors.

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The OGI® (Organizational Growth Indicator)

Posted Jan 23rd, 2020

Listen to this short clip to hear why Dr. Brett Richards developed this next generation organizational diagnostic tool.

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Client Testimonial: Tangible results with The OGI®

Posted Nov 18th, 2019

A Senior Sales Leader in the pharmaceutical industry talks about how The OGI® helped his division strengthen leadership and cultural alignment.

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Recipe for Success: Diagnostic - Road Map - Report Card

Posted Nov 17th, 2019

Click MORE to watch the video and learn how The OGI® can transform your culture into improved business performance.

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Grow and Change: How The OGI® can help grow your business

Posted Oct 22nd, 2019

Discover how the OGI® helps business managers and team leaders understand where their organizations sit in terms of innovation and change – with strategies to maximize results.

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Enhance Culture, Enhance Growth

Enhance Culture, Enhance Growth

Posted Sep 30th, 2019

Research has shown that an organization’s culture is linked to its performance. James Heskett and John Kotter, in their book, Corporate Culture and Performance, make a compelling case.

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A Shared Vision to Help Organizations Improve Business Performance

Posted Apr 30th, 2019

Connective Intelligence and RDP & Associates are announcing a new collaboration effort to combine the strengths of both organizations.

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Access Funds to Accelerate Your Innovation and Improve Business Performance

Posted Apr 30th, 2019

Connective Intelligence and RDP & Associates are announcing a new collaboration effort to combine the strengths of both organizations. 

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What's Your Success Mindset?

Posted Apr 9th, 2018

We all have a winning mindset, says Dr. Brett Richards.  He shares the details of how to identify, harness and improve yours – plus some top tips on how to understand and relate to the mindsets of your executive

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Think your company is ready for growth, but you're not sure how?

You may be missing the key metrics that can tell you why and inform your decisions on how to move forward.